From book and music stores to antique and flower shops; from outdoor gear experts to clothing boutiques, Warren’s growing number of small business shopping options means you’ll find something for everyone.
Allegheny Antiques
Has a variety of antiques, collectibles, militaria, records, primitives, and more. Parts of this three-story, unconventional store feel more like a museum with so many truly unique and sometimes downright weird (and maybe a little uncomfortable) collectibles. Be sure to ask the shop owner, Charlie, about the background of what you’re looking at and how the item came to Warren. You never know what you’ll find at Allegheny Antiques.
Allegheny Mountain Beard Products
Providing all natural and organic products for you and those you enjoy facial hair!
Allegheny Outfitters
Canoe and kayak outfitters covering 107 miles of the Allegheny River, as well as an outdoor store offering quality gear for hiking, hiking, camping, canoeing and kayaking; and bicycle service. Need help planning your trip? Pull up a chair at the “big table” and use their maps to get started!
Authors Books and Music
This interesting store buys and sells used books, classic rock vinyls, CDs, DVDs, sheet music, music books, old photographs, postcards, and vintage magazines.
Local herb, supplement and specialty food store. Offering our community a peaceful environment to achieve their health goals naturally.
A good ash cigar
The region’s largest cigar humidor at over 600 square feet, an extended wall filled with pipe tobacco, pipes and accessories, a large selection of cigars, a large selection of cutters, lighters, personal humidors and everything else you’ll need to enjoy fine tobacco.
Pennwild Outdoors
Providing quality outdoor recreation equipment and services to fishing and hunting enthusiasts in the Warren County area, as well as the rapidly growing tourism industry centered around the Allegheny National Forest.
Rad Lands Co & Whimsy Day Photography
Rad Lands Co. is an NWPA apparel and merchandise brand that offers comfortable clothing, outdoor gear, and accessories. We also provide professional Studio + Travel services for photography.
Rare finds of a rusty rooster
A fun little antique shop with lots of handmade items as well as vintage furniture and gifts.